Weekly Blog No 137 – 8 Paws

If you are a regular reader of my blog you will know that I’m the proud owner of 8 paws. Lottie is my cute 8 year old morkie dog from Canada and Hamish an 11 month old ginger tom cat aka Frank the tank from the U.K.

Overall Lottie and Hamish get on really well. They greet each other in the morning with a kiss. They will run out and in from the garden together. They are very content to sleep next to each other on the sofa. They know their own pet dishes.

Individually they have their own personalities. Lottie will look at me from the kitchen if she wants to go to the toilet. If I’m upstairs she will come up and give me the look that she wants to go out for a toilet break. Hamish will meow to tell me when he wants to go for a toilet break even though he has a litter tray. Hamish will then stand on his two rear paws against the back door. Both pets understand the word treat and will run to the treat cupboard door on command. Hamish will chase a paper ball and bring it back to you to throw again. Insomuch as Lottie won’t chase a ball at all. Hamish likes toys, whereas Lottie doesn’t. Lottie loves snuggles from strangers but Hamish will run away, however he will take snuggles from Mr Zebrakat & I.

Lottie is very much a chilled out dog and is very happy to watch Hamish’s antics. However there are occasions when Lottie doesn’t realise that Hamish is still a kitten. Hamish will pounce on Lottie or try to box her ears with his paws. That’s why Hamish got his nickname, Frank the Tank. Lottie can be innocently behind a door and Hamish will try and paw box Lottie through the opening.

They are both a joy to have and we would be lost without them. X

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